Thursday, August 21, 2008


I'm thinking we're going to have an awesome year in DiVe......and I'm looking forward to a great time every Wednesday night. Now, to prove I was listening to your comments last they no specific order:

Notes from Wednesday night combined youth discussion, August 20, 2008

Regarding the room: would like to do a “graffiti” wall
Not needed to be repainted
Do something to personalize countertop/favorite verse
Leave couches in room
Fix/replace ceiling
Carpet room

Communication: Best way to communicate is by phone/set up phone tree
Student mailboxes in room to write each other encouraging notes
Shoe Box for anonymous questions/comments (is already in room)

Youth share: the “Catacombs”, a night solely for reflection & worship, sharing
Each share their favorite Bible story & why
Share their testimony
As part of worship, share what a song means to them

Service projects: Neighborhood Center
Adopt a Child
Plant a tree, tie prayers to it
Missions trip
Spend time in helping poor areas of town
Fundraiser to help with these projects

Topics/series: Revelations/Left Behind Series
When God Writes a Love Story
Chronicles of Narnia
How to present the Gospel to others
Teach others about Christ
Teach how to reach out for help, or to help

Activities: Movie night
Get together with other church groups
Youth camp with other churches
Photo scavenger hunt
Trade up (bigger & better) scavenger hunt
Ping-pong tournament

Other: T-shirts…..they want new t-shirts!
A majority, senior high, wanted to keep the name “Dive”
It was commented Jr. High could be different

Josh Stone also took down requests for songs for worship

Did I get it right? Did I miss anything? Let me know.
Just a reminder, next Wednesday Lizzie and I will be sharing about our faith walk, and the following Wednesday-September 3, we'll be meeting at the Neighborhood Center for a little sorting.

1 comment:

Snoopy said...

Hey great job! looks nice I was just going to say Its "when god writes your love story" not when god writes a love story.. :]
see you tonight!