Thursday, September 18, 2008


Following up on the first of six negative perceptions of the Church, from the book unChristian, that we plan to cover over the next few weeks: Hypocrite.
Thanks for being so honest with your thoughts on the topic.....and insight you have from your "outsider" friends. The difficulty is that we're not perfect......only Christ. So, we mess up, just like everyone else who is human, and people view that failure to live up to the standards we preach as hypocrisy.

The Christian life isn't about a heavy set of rules thrown on your shoulders by religious leaders (Matthew 23). It IS about drawing into a relationship with Christ, our Saviour, and our Father, the God of the universe.

We will mess up. It is important that we're "transparent" when we do......that we admit to our friends, "hey, I made a doesn't mean my faith is faulty; I'm just trying to follow my model Christ, as imperfect as I am."

And I think that people can respect that. Then, all of a sudden, it isn't about putting on a false face (2 Face from Batman as Tyler so eloquently put it)......but it's about being honest, which is the direct opposite of hypocrisy. And that's closer to the model of Christ.

Next week: GET SAVED!........."is that all Christians care about, or do they care about me, as a person?" We shall see.

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