Monday, September 8, 2008

UnChristian begins

Wednesday we'll begin our Fall series from the book UnChristian. The book's author is with the research group, Barna Group, specializing in collecting data by interviews and other means for churches and other religious organizations.

The book came about because of an alarming trend of perceptions of the church by the younger That is the "Mosaic" and "Buster" generations, but the research focuses on the age bracket from teenage thru 29 year olds.

The findings from that age bracket, both of those inside and outside the church, were astonishing. Six main perceptions seemed to keep showing up:

Christians are:
Anti homosexual
Too political
Only concerned about getting people saved.

Whether or not YOU believe this about Christians/the Church, the fact of the matter is that these are widely held beliefs of people under 30, whether Christian or not. The question is...what do we do about it?

Wednesday we'll introduce the series, talk a little about your thoughts on this and take a survey to see how your thoughts align with these. Then we'll knock each one of these perceptions off over the course of the Fall.

Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday.

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